Saturday, February 28, 2015

Leap Of Faith...

This entry of my blog was a rather difficult one for me. It took a lot of research, a lot of time, a lot of headaches, & a lot soul searching. Now, before I continue on, this is not about God or Religion. This is about the Spirit of Self. No matter what Your Beliefs are, Science proves there are Spirits...
Now that we know Spirits exist, You're probably wondering what does this have to do with Faith. Have you ever heard of the Human Spirit? It's The Will. It's The Drive. It's The Strength that One pulls from deep inside their mortal body to push through a tough situation. It's what forces a human being to continue their day to day life, knowing that the very next second could be their last...
*We Are Finite In An Infinite Universe*
Time and Time again, we prove what Faith can do. Again, I'm not talking about Religion or God. I am just speaking on Humanity's Will to Exist. For Example, I will be 27 Years Old in 8 Days. 8 Days. 192 Hours. 11,520 Minutes. 691,200 Seconds. I WILL BE 27! But, before I turn 27, anything can happen. In today's world, people are born & die every second. So the Fact  that I made it this far is beyond me. Nature & Free Will cut lives short all the time. Yet, I Still Exist...
So, if you actually think about it, you exhibit this "FAITH" everyday of your Life as long as You Live. Faith is Trust. Faith is Belief. Most of us Believe our parents will take care of us. Most of us Trust our family. A lot of us Trust & Believe that our food is healthy, that we will make it to our destinations safely, that we will be successful in whatever our hearts desire. Yet, Every Single Day, The Negatives Happen to Us. & Even if most of these Negatives never happen & all our dreams come true, one thing is guaranteed... I WILL DIE. YOU WILL DIE. WE WILL DIE.

Yet, In Knowing All Of This, We Continue To Live Life. *OH, WHAT GREAT LEAP OF FAITH WE ALL HAVE* :-)


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